Friday, April 24, 2009

Buried Alive by Cheerios...Send Help!!

Last week I opened my blog with a delightful tale of accomplishments called "The Tah-Da" list...I guess I wanted to get off on the right foot and give the impression that I am a flawless housekeeper and mother. But something happened this week... My son has officially entered the Terrible Two's. Since Monday it has been a battle everyday until bedtime. Once he finally falls asleep I creep into his room to check on him and to look at his little angel face. I think to myself, 'what a sweet little boy, I wonder what he is dreaming about?'...I know what he's dreaming about!! A million and one ways to drive me crazy.

My home hasn't been this filthy since I was going to work and school full time. Even then the sink might have been piled with dirty dishes but I could still make it across the room without crunching Cheerios under my feet or twisting my ankle on a wooden block. I am beginning to feel like its me against the baby. Almost as if he's setting booby traps with the hopes of me falling and being unable to stop him from climbing the shelves or getting into the cupboards. I picture myself lying there helpless with him throwing cheerios at my head and refusing to give mommy the cellphone to call for help. Have I mentioned that he has learned the word "MINE!" this week...

This morning I was feeling like a great mother. I was going to ignore the dirty house and take my boy to see Clifford the Big Red Dog at the Barnes and Noble story time. When we arrived at the bookstore my son went directly over to a group a little boys playing at the train set. I thought what a good little boy. He's so friendly and confident. Then it was time for story time with Clifford. All of the mothers and children migrated over to the story area and were waiting patiently for the story time to begin....My child was more interested in taking all the books off of the discount shelf. As if I don't spend most of my day at home placing books back in their rightful spot, now I am forced to restock the shelves at B&N. I carefully guided him back to the story area, found a great spot around a few other boys his age and plopped him in my lap. That lasted for about 3.2 seconds. He wrestled his way out of my grip and ran up on the platform and began climbing in the story lady's chair. Another boy in the group thought that was a great idea and followed my little leader. I grabbed Nick, sat down and began wrestling with him again. The lady sitting next to me with the perfectly highlighted hair was non-chalantly inching away from me and my "energetic" toddler. I knew that if I didn't leave this very minute we would probably be banned from story time forever. I scooped up Nick and began leaving when the screeching started. I couldn't get to the door quick enough. For years I looked at other mothers who had children like mine and thought "what is that woman doing wrong? why can't she control her child? My child will never act like that!" Well, never say never folks. As soon as I walked out of the bookstore my child stopped screeching and began waving "bye bye" with a big smile on his face. I guess I just have to face the fact that my child is not the quiet story time type of off to the park we went...

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